Ixworth Angling Club held the Greyhound Annual Christmas Charity Match on Sunday 24th November 2019
17 members and guests took part including 6 junior members.
The match was won by Ivan Frost with a winning weight of 4lb 9 ounces. Second place went to Angie Burrows with a weight of 1lb 2 ounces, third place to guest Andy with a weight of 4 and a half ounces and fourth place to Chris Oakley with a eight of 3 ounces.
After the match everyone taking part plus friends, parents and relatives enjoyed a buffet lunch laid on by Colin and Sue Pearce at the Greyhound pub which was clearly much appreciated and particularly by those who took part in the match that was fished in dry but far from warm weather conditions. The winner of the match was presented with the trophy
by Colin Pearce of the Greyhound who kindly donated this annual trophy to the club for this annual charity match.
After the trophy presentation a grand Raffle was held and thanks to the generous donations of raffle prizes by those taking part and their relatives, plus additional prizes donated by Tackle Up of Bury St Edmunds, the raffle raised alone raised £165.
The total raised on the day itself, inclusive of match entry fees, came to £420.
To date a further sum of £473 has been raised by Just Giving Donations making a grand total of £893 that has been donated to the West Suffolk Hospital Cancer Unit. The final sum is now expected to be over £900 when all monies have been totalled up in the coming weeks.
Finally I would like to take this opportunity of thanking everyone who took part and the numerous friends and relatives who have supported the event. I know it means a lot to my daughter who has very recently undergone breast cancer surgery.Thanks also to Sue and Colin at the Greyhound and many thanks to Sue Smith at the My Wish Charity based at West Suffolk Hospital.


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